Monday, 26 September 2016

Use Grammarly for Corrections

Grammarly   <-- Click on this to link to Grammarly; you
can also open it in Google Chrome to use: 

This is a brilliant online tool to help proof read your work. Here is how you sign up for the free online digital tool so you can use it.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Spelling Rules

Understand the rules of spelling by getting to know these terms:

Vowels: The vowels are: a, e, i, o, u
Consonants: The consonants are all the other letters of the alphabet.

Prefix: A beginning added to a word to form a new word.
For example:
dis + solve = dissolve
un+ natural = unnatural
un + happy = unhappy

Suffix: an ending added to a word to form a new word.
For example:
wonder + ful = wonderful
care + less = careless
use + less = useless